
SCORAI-Global (Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative) is an international knowledge network of researchers and practitioners committed to building a flourishing and ecologically-sound society by changing the way we consume.

We advance research, disseminate knowledge, impact policies and support campaigns. SCORAI-Global recognizes that technological innovation alone is insufficient to address climate change and environmental threats. Therefore we support transformative changes in the economy, institutions and culture.

For more information, download our Activity Report 2020-2023


Our Board

Executive Board

Current Members

Liz Allen   Learn more. . .

Valerie Brachya   Learn more. . .

Halina Szejnwald Brown   Learn more . . .

Ashley Colby   Learn more . . .

Georgina (Ginnie) Guillen-Hanson   Learn more . . .

Kira Matus   Learn more . . .

Philip J. Vergragt    Learn more . . .

Founding Board Members

Maurie Cohen, NJIT

Jeffrey Barber, Integrated Strategy Forum

John Stutz, Tellus Institute

Philip Vergragt, Tellus Institute

Halina Brown, Clark University

Advisory Board

Current Members

Manisha Anantharaman  Learn more…

Erik Assadourian  Learn more…

John R. Ehrenfeld  Learn more…

Daniel Fischer  Learn more…

Neal Gorenflo  Learn more…

John de Graaf  Learn more…

Anders Hayden  Learn more…

Giorgos Kallis  Learn more…

Ashish Kothari  Learn more…

Kate Power  Learn more…

Marlyne Sahakian  Learn more…

Juliet Schor  Learn more…

Vanessa Timmer  Learn more…

Former Members

Gus Speth  Learn more…

Newsletter & Media Editors

Tom Smith
Department of Geography at LMU

Editor of the monthly SCORAI newsletter

Gary Goggins
NUI Galway

Editor of the SCORAI Europe newsletter

Robert Orzanna

Social Media and Community manager

Regional Chapters

SCORAI was founded in 2008 in the USA in order to build connections among researchers and practitioners working on sustainable consumption. Since its modest beginning as a North America-focused network, it has become a global organization with approximately 1400 members in 2020.

When the vibrancy and size of SCORAI participants in Europe, Israel, China and Brazil reached a critical mass, they created their own identities as SCORAI affiliates. SCORAI-Global supports coordination and communication with regional affiliates via its newsletter, listserv and by organizing semi-annual coordination meetings.

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Special thanks to our sustaining members

Frieder Rubik, John Stutz, Julia Steinberger, Tom Abeles, Ashwani Vasishth, Benyamin Lichtenstein, Carol Holst, Kira Jen Matus, Richard Wilk, James Speth, Tom R. Bowerman, Peter Victor, John Cross, Vanessa Timmer, Angelina Korsunova, Kuishuang Feng, Monica Guillen Royo, John de Graaf, Anders Hayden, Michael Maniates, Inge Røpke, Goretty Dias, Wendy Wuyts

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The members of the SCORAI Executive Board, SCORAI Advisory Board, and others readily contribute their time and energy without compensation, but we still need financial resources to coordinate our growing network and support the exchange of ideas. To maintain activities at the current level we ask you to become a contributing SCORAI subscriber. We are seeking for your annual contribution of US $50 ($25 for students, retired and others in special circumstances) to reach the goal of $5,000 before the end of 2019. Of course, more generous donations are gratefully welcomed!
Become a contributing subscriber by making a donation below today. Your contribution demonstrates your commitment and support for SCORAI as well as for sustainable consumption research, network formation, information dissemination, teaching, education, and communication. It is through these activities that we create new ideas and fruitful alliances.
With collegial and sustainable regards,
The SCORAI Executive Board: Ashley, Ginnie, Halina, Liz, Philip, Valerie