SSCP KAN Conference 2022, Day 2, Session 3

SCORAI closely collaborates in the KAN SSCP Working Group Communication for Sustainable Consumption (WgCoCo). Its latest presentation, on the KAN SSCP conference November 2022 is below:

This session is organized by members of the KAN SSCP working group “WgCoCo”, the working group on Communicating for Sustainable Consumption. This working group has been in existence longer than the KAN SSCP and was created after a workshop in Vienna in 2015. Its aim is to foster a transition to sustainable consumption and lifestyles through research and activism, taking into account that consumption is a collective process intrinsically connected to our culture, our economy, the production system, technologies, our values, our infrastructures, and our political systems.

This session contains papers both from the research and the practitioners’ sides. At the research side, Daniel Fischer et al. will present a stocktaking of the field based on findings of a systematic literature review of peer reviewed papers and comment on future directions. Stephan Wallaschkowski presents the results on a gender study on clothing, and Ginnie Guillen-Hanson the results on her research on gamification and its potential to promote sustainable lifestyles.

At the practitioners’ side, Ashly Colby presents the “Rizoma Field School” in Uruguay: its philosophy, practice, and results; Valentina Aversano-Dearborn presents Sustainability Adventures, and Philip Vergragt describes the methodology and initial results of “Listening sessions” with residents of Newton, Mass. USA

In order to create room for dialogue the presentations are very short (5-8 minutes).