SCORAI-Global (Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative) is an international knowledge network of researchers and practitioners committed to building a flourishing and ecologically-sound society by changing the way we consume.
In July 2023, we organized our fifth international conference in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
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Articles, Blog Posts and other Resources
Where is the ACTION in Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative?
by Tom Bowerman
By the time SCORAI discussions like the most recent one peter out, when all is said and done, it appears that much more is said than done. The SCORAI acronym states “Research and Action”. As we contemplate the quantity of metals and minerals to “transition to sustainability”, where is the “action” of challenging our current fossil fuel powered growth paradigm by personally and collectively reducing our consumptive behaviors? How? Stop driving, flying. Downsize. Etc.
Can we take Fun seriously in sustainable consumption?
by Richard Wilk
The pursuit of entertainment, the experiences of pleasure and fun, is a major “driver” of climate change, yet it is relatively unexplored. Despite the salience of pleasure and fun in daily life, in almost every aspect of consumption, the subject is widely ignored in the many sciences focused on the relationship between the environment, the economy and consumer culture.
Electric cars are the sustainability trojan horse
by Lewis Akenji, Jun 8, 2023
It is misleading for any future mobility advocate to assume that we can adopt widescale electric vehicles in future without radically and rapidly changing our entire approach to transportation and provisioning systems for mobility. Here’s why I said this in my opening keynote at the UN World Urban Forum.
Frontiers-a joint project of SCORAI and Hot or Cool
by Lewis Akenji, May 19, 2023
This blog is a part of the Frontier Series, a collaboration between SCORAI and the Hot or Cool Institute that brings you lessons learned, personal experiences and insights from the cutting edge of climate and sustainability research and practice.
Basic Training for the Relay Race to Transition
Debbie Kasper, Environmental Sociologist
November 10, 2022
The Case for Degrowth
Giorgos Kallis
December 19, 2020
Can the radical reduce of products reduce consumption, waste, and even inequity?
Community-led EcoCity Transformation: Developing an Urban Systems Community of Practice
Duncan Crowley
March 23, 2021
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