[su_box title=”Annex 1: Directory of courses”]
Updated August 6 2018, based on the Appendix provided in the following article: Sahakian, Marlyne, and Gill Seyfang. 2018. “A sustainable consumption teaching review: From building competencies to transformative learning.” Journal of Cleaner Production 198: 231-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.238
This list focuses specifically on university-level (both undergraduate and post-graduate) courses/modules devoted in whole or in part to the field of sustainable consumption. The attempt is to identify relevant courses/modules with explicit consideration of sustainable consumption as well as those that engage with sustainability, the environment, economics and social change, from a consumption, consumer, household or citizen perspective. We are also happy to update a list of courses presented in the appendix to the Journal of Cleaner Production paper (2018, A sustainable consumption teaching review: From building competencies to transformative learning, M. Sahakian and G. Seyfang).
If you would like to add your course to this list, please contact Marlyne Sahakian.
North America
- Consumption and Sustainability, Juliet Schor, Boston College, USA
- Environmental Justice, Manisha, Ananharaman, Saint Mary’s College of California, USA
- Environmental Politics and Policy, Donna Lybecker, Idaho State University, USA
- Fostering Sustainable Behaviors, Alice Reznickova, Emory University, USA
- Global Consumer Culture, Richard Wilk, Indiana University, USA
- Introduction to Sustainability Studies, Maurie Cohen, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), USA
- Mining Practices and the Environment, Robert Rattle, Sault College, USA
- Sociology of Consumption, Nicki Lisa Cole, Ponoma College, USA
- Society and Environment, Emily Huddart Kennedy, Washington State University, USA
- Sustainable Living: Politics and Policy, Erika Allen Wolters, Oregon State University, USA
- Sustainability Inspired Product and Service Design, Michael Luchs, College of William and Mary, USA
- Sustainability Policy and Practice, Maurie Cohen, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), USA
- Sustainable Consumption and Production, Halina Brown, Clark University, USA
- Sustainable Consumption, Alice Reznickova, Emory University, USA
South America
- Sustainable Consumption and Production in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Approaches & Practical Tools, United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment)
- Behavioural Economics in Sustainable Policy, Lucia Reisch, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- Business, Sustainability, and Innovation, Rodrigo Lozano, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Challenges to Sustainable Development, Doris Fuchs, University of Muenster, Germany
- Consumption, households and the environment, Tom Bauler, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Consumption, Sustainability and Social Change, Harold Wilhite and Arve Hansen, University of Oslo, Norway
- Culture and lifestyles, Francesca Forno, University of Trento, Italy
- Current issues in nutrition and hospitality sciences, Sylvia Lorek, Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Energy and People, Tom Hargreave, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
- Ethical and local economies, Eva Fraňková and Nadia Johanisova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- European consumer policy, Lucia Reisch and John Thøgersen, Aarhus School of Business / Aarhus University, Denmark
- Everyday Consumption, Kate Burningham, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Foundations of Sustainable Development, , University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Geographies of Sustainable Consumption, Frances Fahy, National University of Ireland, Ireland
- How much consumption can mankind bear? (German: Wieviel Konsum verträgt der Mensch?), Antonietta Di Giulio, FHNW School of Education, Switzerland
- Marketing Ethics and Sustainability, Johan Jansson, Umeå University, Sweden
- Nature, Society and Environmental Policy, Kersty Hobson, Oxford University, United Kingdom
- Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption, Eva Heiskanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Psychology of Sustainable Development, , University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Research on consumption: Ethical and Societal Responsibility Perspective, Francisco Javier Montoro Rios, Juan Miguel Rey Pino, University of Granada, Spain
- Sustainability concepts in science and practice, Sylvia Lorek, Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Study Programme Sustainability Science, special focus: Sustainable Consumption, Daniel Fischer, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
- Sustainability in Everyday Life, Eva Heiskanen and Minna Autio, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Sociotechnical (re) construction of consumer society, Eva Heiskanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Sociology of markets: Markets, morals and social movements (French: Sociologie des marchés: Marchés, Morale, Mouvements sociaux), Philip Balsiger, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Sustainable Development: an introduction, Maud Huynen, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- Sustainable Consumption, Marlyne Sahakian, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sustainable Consumption, Lucie Middlemiss, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Sustainable Consumption, Gill Seyfang, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
- Sustainable Consumption, Sylvia Lorek, Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Sustainable Consumption, Armand Faganel, University of Primorska, Slovenia
- Sustainable Consumption (German: Nachhaltiger Konsum), Ulf Schrader, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
- Sustainable consumption and behaviour change, Stefanie Lena Hille, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
- Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Global South, Alison Browne, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- Sustainability, consumption and global responsibilities, Dan Welch, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- Supporting sustainable consumption – the role of companies, Agnes Zsoka, Corvinus University, Hungary
Asia & Oceania
- Consumption and society, Dunfu Zhang, University of Shanghai, China
- Energy, Environment, and the Future: Crisis and Opportunity, Graeme Lang, City University of Hong Kong, China
- Environment Politics and Policy, Sunayana Ganguly, Azim Premji University, India
- Environmental Sociology, Manuel Vallee, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Introduction to SCP in Asia, UNITAR, UNEP, EU SWITCH-Asia, Asia
- Sustainable futures, Martin Mulligan, RMIT University, Australia
- Sustainable Consumption and Production in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Approaches & Practical Tool, UN Environment
- The Politics of Sustainable Consumption, Michael Maniates, Yale-NUS College, Singapore
- UN Winter School on SCP in Asia and the Pacific, IGES/UNEP/UNITAR, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Teaching Map
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