2020-2021 Webinar Series

[box title=”Past recordings”]Go to the following link for the past recordings: https://scorai.net/webinar-series/[/box]

January 25, 2021, 10-11am ET: Josh Alpert: Sustainable Consumption and Climate Leadership for Cities

Registration link: https://asu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8pTd6vyZQzubg3yf4v20Rg

Joshua Alpert began work with C40, a network of the worlds megacities committed to addressing climate change, in August, 2016. As Director of Special Projects, he has worked on the creation of an air quality programme, an inclusive climate action programme, a US-specific strategy for moving forward on climate actions in a new context, and a host of other projects. Most recently, Josh has been working on creating C40’s new Consumption Programme, starting with the groundbreaking Thriving Cities Initiative. Josh also is serving as C40’s Head of the Bloomberg Philanthropies American Cities Climate Challenge, as well as acting as C40’s Director of North America. Previously, Josh has served as C40’s liaison to Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Halina Brown: Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Toward Climate Action

February 23, 2021, 10-11am ET

Registration link: https://asu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8pTd6vyZQzubg3yf4v20Rg

There is a wide agreement, and even exhortations, that civil society and municipal government need to collaborate in planning for climate action and for implementing it. In this webinar I will talk about such a collaboration, and what it takes to make it work. My story derives from my own work in Newton, Massachusetts, a well-to-do suburban city of 90,000 outside Boston.

I am a Chairperson of Newton Citizens Commission on Energy, a quasi-independent nine-member advisory group to the Mayor and the City Council, the members of which are appointed by the City Council. Many of our members (including myself) are also climate activists, deeply engaged with civil society organizations in our city. In 2019 we developed a climate action plan for Newton and since then have been working with the municipality and grassroots organizations on its implementation. This work includes technical analysis, research, planning, testifying, strategizing, politicking, diplomacy, and often a struggle in addressing conflicts and competing objectives. This webinar will describe the Newton experience and critically evaluate the idea of collaborative climate action.

Halina S. Brown is a Professor Emerita Clark University and serves Chairperson of Newton Citizens Commission on Energy. She is a co-founder and Executive Board Member of SCORAI.

Duncan Crowley (registration link coming soon)

Lucie Middlemiss (registration link coming soon)

4th International Conference

SCORAI concluded its 4th International conference June 10-12, which was completely virtual. According to initial reactions the conference was a great success. A survey is being conducted.

350 people from 33 countries registered and over one hundred new Twitter Followers for @SCORAI_org joined the proceedings. The conference included:

  • 53 parallel sessions
  • 153 paper presentations
  • 20 Poster Presentations
  • and 7 keynote speakers.

The presentations of the keynote speakers are posted on the SCORAI website (see below). A selection of other presentations and sessions will be posted on the website in the coming weeks and months.

We are greatly indebted to the conference co-chairs, Jennie Stephens and Frances Fahy, and other members of the organizing committee; the logistics manager Liz Allen; the technical manager Daniel Vare; the International Review Panel; the SCORAI Advisory Board, and the many volunteers from Northeastern University in Boston and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.


  • First day: Welcome & Keynote Integrating Social Justice in Sustainable Consumption Studies: Esteban Kelly and Sherilyn MacGregor
  • Second day: Consumption in an Urbanizing World: Anna Coote, Arnold Tukker, Emily Kawano
  • Third day: The Path Forward: Barbara Muraca and Peter Victor

Selected Session Presentations

  • DR135: Communicating Sustainable Consumption and Lifestyles: speakers John de Graaf, Kelley Dennings, Daniel Fischer, Valentina Aversano, Cecile Marsille; chair Philip Vergragt;
  • FP 700: The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Multi-Disciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action: speakers Cindy Isenhour and Manu Mathai; chair Philip Vergragt
  • DR 136 (Paper) (Recording) SCORAI Strategy session; speakers: Philip Vergragt, Halina Brown, Manisha Anantharaman
  • DR 501: Understanding post-corona lifestyles for framing sustainability policy: speakers: Fabian Echegaray, Valerie Brachya, Lei Zhang, comments by Janis Brizga and Philip Vergragt (chair)
  • DR 500: Sustainable consumption: how to address harmful consumption in cities (C40)
  • DR 129: Communicating sustainable lifestyles
  • FP 600: Retrofitting the suburbs: Housing and zoning for justice and sustainability