Without You, There Is No SCORAI

Dear SCORAI-er,

SCORAI is a unique network run by volunteers, with nearly one thousand subscribers.  We are a vibrant community that offers since 2008 high-quality exchanges on issues of sustainable consumption. Our activities include the listserve and newsletter, workshops and conferences, videos and publications, which are defining the field. http://scorai.net/accomplishments/

The five members of the SCORAI Board and others readily contribute their time and energy without compensation, but we still need financial resources to keep going. To maintain activities at the current level we need you to become a contributing SCORAI subscriber. We are asking for your contribution of US $50 ($25 for students, retired and others in special circumstances) to reach the goal of $10 000 in 2017. So far we have received donations this year totaling $4000. Of course, more generous donations are gratefully welcomed!

Become a contributing subscriber by making a donation on the SCORAI website right now http://scorai.net/contribute/ . A “thermometer” http://scorai.net/thermometer/ with weekly updates will appear on the SCORAI website to monitor progress.

Please take a few minutes to demonstrate your interest in and support for SCORAI as well as for sustainable consumption research, network formation, information dissemination, teaching, education, and communication. It is through these activities that we create new ideas and fruitful alliances.

With collegial and sustainable regards,

The SCORAI Board: Philip, Deric, Maurie, Halina, and Anders