WG CoCo: Working Group Sustainable Consumption Communication

Welcome to WG CoCo, a dynamic working group relaunched in October 2023 in collaboration with SCORAI and Future Earth. The working group invites the SCORAI community to contribute to our networking, informing, bridging, and learning efforts. We want to learn from your good and bad experiences communicating SC. We aim to strengthen the bonds between our organizations and individual endeavors, bridging research and action. Most importantly, we welcome you to speak up and share this space for working together.

Under the guidance of our co-chairs, Ginnie Stephan Valentina and Natalie, we invite all CoConauts* to join the conversation and actively contribute to driving sustainable consumption and production forward.

Join us!

Mailing List: To stay updated, share your expertise by leading a cross-pollination session, or joining the discussions connect with us at coconauts.connected@gmail.com

Catch Up on Our Recent Discussions:

Behavioral insights from cognitive science to promote sustainability communication

Recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaO0HCF8Exo

Christina Maher Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, June the 28 2024

WG CoCo: Future Earth Informative Networking Session

Recording: https://youtu.be/nQXlm1l3zb8?feature=shared.

Slides HERE 

Ria Lambino, Future Earth’s Secretariat, December 8 2023

Communicating sustainable lifestyles effectively – can nudging be a bridge-builder?

Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfo4e0NWZMI

Hosted by Julie Alevizou (U. of Sheffield) and Ann-Kathrin Nies (Leuphana University), March 8, 2024

What is a CoConaut?

It’s tenuous, but it’s catchy!

Coco, a member of the working group Sustainable COnsumption COmmunication. 

-naut, a person engaged in the navigation of a vehicle, especiallyl one used for scientific investigation, field exploration, or both!

We look forward to your valuable contributions to this important topic! 

The history of  WGCoCo —In the Fall of 2015, various researchers from around the globe got together to discuss how to advance the agenda of sustainable lifestyles and the kind of transformations that would be needed to do so. Communication came across as an action point to bring all our efforts together. Insights about how to translate research outcomes into daily life activities that anyone could relate to or encourage bottom-up policy creation were among the topics addressed. This video summarizes the outcomes of that meeting

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