Western Social Sciences Association 2017, Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management Section, Call for Papers – San Francisco, April 2017

Shared by Chelsea Schelly on our mailing list.

Western Social Sciences Association (WSSA) is a widely interdisciplinary and friendly organization, and their annual conferences provide an excellent opportunity for you and your students to present environment-related social science work in a welcoming environment. This year’s conference is in San Francisco, April 12-15 2017.

Please see the call for papers and some information about great opportunities for students.
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Paper presentation abstracts must be submitted via the online system.
Find the Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management section and click on the ”Submit” button underneath to submit your abstract! You can also submit organized panels and round tables here. You can go directly to the paper abstract submission link for the Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Management section.
Abstracts are due by December 1st
