An editorial team of SCORAI-ers and HotorCool Institute in Berlin is currently finalizing a book project for the Routledge-SCORAI book series “Studies in Sustainable Consumption“. This book will appear as an Open Access publication mid-2025.
In response to urgent socio-ecological crises, sustainability transformation requires a compelling language for a shared understanding of (un)sustainable consumption and lifestyles. Despite its growing use in research and policy circles, the meaning of the term sustainable consumption remains quite undefined. Some associate it with daily household decisions such as minimal shopping, leisure flying and taking cruises, and green and ethical shopping. For social activists, sustainable consumption may suggest changing personal and community value systems, norms, social practices, personal priorities, diet or adopting a minimalist way of life. From a policy perspective, sustainable consumption may signify a personal carbon budget, shorter workweek, limits on advertising, more efficient buildings and mobility infrastructure; while the political economy perspective points toward a diminished role of the financial sector, degrowth, a steady state economy, taxation reform and reigning in corporate power.
A Language for our Common Future: A Vocabulary for Sustainable Consumption and Lifestyles is a major publication with contributions from over 130 of the world’s leading researchers on sustainable consumption. It contains around 75 accessible entries across five main topical clusters/ thematic fields: 1) Daily Household Decisions and Lifestyles; 2) Concepts, Frameworks and Applied Theories; 3) Political Economy of Consumption;; 4) Social Activism and Value Shifts; and 5) Governance, Policy and Choice Architecture. Entries include varied topics such as Circular Economy & Society, Work-Life Balance, Social Tipping Points, Hedonic Treadmill, Buen Vivir, 1.5-degree lifestyle, Quiet Sustainability, Universal Basic Services, Income vs. Happiness, Climate Justice and much more.
Looking to shape future discussions in this vibrant field, this publication is a collaboration between the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) and the Hot or Cool Institute and has four key aims:
- To develop a shared vocabulary for the community working on sustainable lifestyles and consumption.
- To highlight innovative concepts and introduce “a vocabulary for the future” for researchers and innovators.
- To enrich a systems perspective on sustainable consumption and lifestyles.
- To highlight the topics that should be covered in teaching sustainability and sustainable consumption.
To reach these aims and enhance our book’s impact, it will be freely accessible online to everyone interested. We would therefore appreciate donations of any sum that help us cover the open access fee of about €12,000.
For queries or project updates, please get in touch with and