“Beyond” Transition? Understanding and Achieving Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation
Please cite this document as follows:
Lorek, S. & Backhaus, J. (Eds.) (2015) ‘Beyond’ Transition? Understanding and Achieving Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation. Proceedings of the SCORAI Europe Workshop, 17 November 2015, Vienna, Austria. Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series, Issue 5.
Permanent link: http://d-nb.info/1080593063/34
SCORAI Europe and the Transformative Social Innovation Theory (TRANSIT) project are jointly organising a one-day workshop at the Impact Hub in Vienna on 17 November 2015. Workshop participants seek to contribute to theory development on and practical insight in social innovation and societal transformation.
The following themes will provide the foci for our discussions:
a) similarities and differences between various conceptions of social change, transition and transformation,
b) case studies and examples of social innovation or sustainable consumption and their relevance to transformation, and
c) roles and (inter-)actions of diverse participants (researchers, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, citizens) in potentially transformative social innovation or sustainable consumption initiatives.
We are looking forward to a day filled with lively discussions on transformative views and ideas.
On behalf of the organizing team,
Audley Genus, Kingston University, London
Edina Vadovics, GreenDependent Institute
Julia Backhaus, ICIS, Maastricht University
Julia Wittmayer, DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Sylvia Lorek, Sustainable Europe Research Institute
For more information, please contact: SCORAIeurope@gmail.com
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The workshop is a precursor to the TRANSIT project mid-term conference “Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change – Research, Policies and Practices in European and Global Perspectives”, which takes place in Vienna, 18-19 November. The conference is hosted by TRANSIT and SI-DRIVE, two projects funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme for the Call “Social innovation – empowering people, changing societies”, and Net4Society in collaboration with two other FP7-EU-funded projects, CRESSI and SIMPACT.
More information about the conference can be found here.