VECAP Lightning Talks


The Virtual Early-Career Program in Sustainable Consumption Research (VECAP) is the main global venue for emerging professionals in SCR to intellectually explore, embrace, render and advance sustainable consumption as a field of inter- and transdisciplinary convergence research and practice.


VECAP is a learning program that designs spaces to engage and empower a new generation of emerging professionals in SCR in its three main operational avenues: (a) education and training, (b) community building, and (c) collaboratory.

Context on the videos

SCORAI brought in the voices and perspectives of established senior scholars on some big picture reflections on the current state of the field of sustainable consumption research to engage our pre-conference participants with some recent big picture thinking in sustainable consumption research and stimulate critical and rich discussions.

Thinkers responded to the following prompts:

  • Where do we have convergence (what is consolidated knowledge) in sustainable consumption research (SCR), where do we have open/unresolved questions that need further research?
  • What are some of the theoretical or conceptual advances in SCR you are most impressed by or excited about?
  • What are innovative methodologies that are particularly promising for future SCR?
  • What can we do to make our research create real-world impact? 
  • What have we failed to do as a field of research and scholarship? Where do we need to grow and push ourselves?

List of videos

** please note that this list is continuously updated **

5 minute contribution to SCORAI 2020 early-career conference

Talk by Julia Steinberger

Sylvia Lorek

Talk by Sylvia Lorek ((Dr. Lorek refers to the following publications: (1) Mont, O., Heiskanen, E., Power, K., & Kuusi, H. (2013). Improving Nordic Policymaking by Dispelling Myths on Sustainable Consumption. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. (2) Pirgmaier, Elke (forthcoming). Consumption corridors, capitalism and social change. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy; (3) Manu Verghese Mathai; Cindy Isenhour; Dimitris Stevis et al. (forthcoming) The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action)): → view here

Lucia Reisch

Halina Brown

Coming soon

Lucie Middlemiss

Lucie Middlemiss: coming soon