This is what SCORAI members think about the “Sharing Economy”

William Rees It has long puzzled me that discussions of the neoliberal economy often neglect two things: The first is that the neoliberal ‘lens’ magnifies a single growth-promoting value—efficiency–at the expense of all others.  The result is more efficient (and more destructive) growth (simply getting bigger, not necessarily better) at the expense of economic diversity, … Read more

CfP for SCORAI-sponsored Sessions at the GRF-SCP Conference

Shared by Maurie Cohen on our mailing list. The SCORAI Board is organizing a series of sessions at the Third International Conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption being held June 27‒29, 2017 at the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK. The theme of the event is “Sustainable Lifestyles, Livelihoods and … Read more