SCORAI Israel: welcome our new member!


SCORAI Israel Vision Statement

SCORAI Israel is a network of researchers and stakeholders who are interested in the interface between material consumption, technological and cultural transformations, and human wellbeing. Our goal is to advance scientific research and to promote public discussion of the characteristics and consequences of consumer society, taking center stage in our lives today.

We strive to bring together researchers, decision makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders, who wish to understand the forces that drive consumer economy in technologically advanced societies; to propose and analyze post-consumptive alternatives to current economic systems, lifestyles and social institutions; and to coordinate knowledge that will benefit grassroots organizations, social movements, and social policy.

Relevant topics for SCORAI Israel include, for example: ethical consumption, counter-culture practices, organizational and institutional aspects of consumer culture, prosumption, environmental politics, sustainable consumption, urban sustainability, local trade and fair trade, wellbeing in the age of consumer culture, alternative forms of trade and consumption, measures of consumption, and more.

SCORAI Israel is being setup following an initiative and in cooperation with SCORAI North America, see here For more information please email Tally Katz-Gerro at To subscribe to a listserv please visit this page:


Tally Katz-Gerro, Department of Sociology, University of Haifa

Orit Rotem, Department of Geography and Environment, Bar Ilan University


Valerie Brachya, The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies

Rotem Shamay, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Gili Baruch, Head of the sustainable local economic development project at Shatil