Publications Sustainable Consumption Research Week 15, 2018

When Guilt is Not Enough: Interdependent Self-Construal as Moderator of the Relationship Between Guilt and Ethical Consumption in a Confucian Context

Y Chen, DC Moosmayer – Journal of Business Ethics, 2018
Page 1. Vol.:(0123456789) 1 3 Journal of Business Ethics
10.1007/s10551-018-3831-4 ORIGINAL PAPER When Guilt is Not Enough:
Interdependent Self‑Construal as Moderator of the Relationship Between …
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Providing sustainability information in shopping situations contributes to sustainable decision making: An empirical study with choice-based conjoint analyses

G Stöckigt, J Schiebener, M Brand – Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2018
In their 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the United Nations make clear that
actions are required to keep the Earth inhabitable. As everybody is asked t.
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Unearthing the effects of personality traits on consumer’s attitude and intention to buy green products

Y Sun, S Wang, L Gao, J Li – Natural Hazards, 2018
… It is important to shift to a sustainable consumption model to reduce the negative impact
on environment (Mainieri et al. 1997; Datta 2011). Green buying behavior, as a sustainable
consumption behavior, has major influence on sustainable development …
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Antecedents and pro-environmental consumer behavior (PECB): the moderating role of religiosity

SN Bhuian, SK Sharma, I Butt, ZU Ahmed – Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2018
Page 1. 1 Antecedents and Pro-Environmental Consumer Behavior (PECB): The
Moderating Role of Religiosity Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to
examine the predictabilities of five intra-personal factors to predict …
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[PDF] Environmental Science Education: Implication for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria

M Aminu, BAHL Fatima – 2018
… Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Goal 13. Take urgent
action to combat climate change and its impacts* Goal 14 …
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[PDF] Second annual report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

NU CEPAL – 2018
Page 1. Second annual report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Page 2. Second
annual report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030 Agenda for …
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C Banthiya, UMP Advocate – 2018
… relevant organisations of civil society, should develop and implement
strategies to promote sustainable consumption through a mix of policies
that could include regulations; economic … and promotion of sustainable …
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[HTML] Potential Trade-Offs between the Sustainable Development Goals in Coastal Bangladesh

CW Hutton, RJ Nicholls, AN Lázár, A Chapman… – Sustainability, 2018
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are offered as a comprehensive
strategy to guide and encourage sustainable development at multiple scales
both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, through the development …
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Sustainability indicators in the swine industry of the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina

TF de Camargo, A Zanin, S Mazzioni, GD de Moura… – Environment, Development …, 2018
… Page 4. T. F. de Camargo et al. 1 3 ensuring prosperity for all by 2030 (Annan-Diab and
Molinari 2017). The goals set out expanded the agenda to include issues such as climate
change, sustainable consumption, innovation and the importance of peace and justice …
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Taking apart structural change: the constitutive role of communication in relieving tensions

A Rosenberg – International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2018
… and current changes in food consumption practices viewed through the
lens of cultural theories”, In Kennedy, E. H., Cohen, MJ and Krogman N.
(Eds), Putting Sustainability into Practice Applications and Advances in …
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[HTML] Breaking niche sustainable products into the mainstream: Organic milk and free‐range eggs

PK Chintakayala, W Young, R Barkemeyer, MA Morris – Business Strategy and the …, 2018
… products as the subject of our study, and review the literature on determinants
of sustainable product purchasing behavior—with an emphasis on studies
investigating organic produce and free‐range eggs—as well as recent …
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Investing in non-communicable disease prevention and management to advance the Sustainable Development Goals

R Nugent, MY Bertram, S Jan, LW Niessen, F Sassi… – The Lancet, 2018
… Fiscal measures should be directed toward incentivising healthy diets and
lifestyles, encouraging sustainable consumption and production, and
providing the revenue to accelerate scale-up of universal health care; these …
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The Global Environmental Politics of Food

J Clapp, C Scott – 2018
… production to con- sumption—and feature different debates over a range
of environmental issues including climate change, deforestation, biodiversity
loss, chemical exposure, resource use and depletion (eg, fisheries, water …
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Examining the Challenges of Responsible Consumption in an Emerging Market

F Tjiptono – Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable …, 2018
… Therefore, an understanding of different responsible consumption
segments (truly responsible, latent responsible, spurious responsible,
and irresponsible) may help marketers and policy makers to overcome …
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Sustainably Sourced Junk Food? Big Food and the Challenge of Sustainable Diets

C Scott – Global Environmental Politics, 2018
Page 1. Sustainably Sourced Junk Food? Big Food and the Challenge of Sustainable
Diets • Caitlin Scott* Abstract Sustainable diets are an increasingly debated policy concept
to address many of the environmental, social, and economic issues in the food system …
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Planning a sustainable regional irrigated production and forest protection under land and water stresses with multiple uncertainties

X Zeng, C Chen, A Liu, H Wei, H Zhang, G Huang… – Journal of Cleaner …, 2018
This study developed a hybrid stochastic-fuzzy model with Green-Z scenario (HFSG) for
coordinating regional irrigated production and forest protection (IPFP) un.
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Implications for the energy policy derived from the relation between the cultural dimensions of Hofstede’s model and the consumption of renewable energies

C Pelau, NA Pop – Energy Policy, 2018
… to buy renewable energies. General conditions such as infrastructure or access
to public facilities such as water or electricity, may also influence the consumer in
their sustainable consumption. If being environmental-friendly …
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Risks and Drivers of Hybrid Car Adoption: A Cross-Cultural Segmentation Analysis

F McLeay, V Yoganathan, VS Osburg, A Pandit – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
… Social barriers and cultural values, which influence the adoption of
sustainable consumption, and particularly high involvement, technology
rich products, such as eco-friendly cars (Oliver & Lee, 2010), vary from …
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Human Factors Issues in Responsible Computer Consumption

PHP Yeow, WH Loo, UC Eze – Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable …, 2018
Energy is wasted when individuals do not practise responsible computer
consumption behaviour (RCCB) such as turning off idling computers or using
power-management tools. This study aims to determine…
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Return on Investment in Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Social, Economic, and Environmental Value of Sustainable Business

C Sáenz – 2018
… risks Air Air quality Carbon dioxide emissions Consumption of ozone layer-
depleting substances Soil Soil condition and use Desertification Agriculture
Forests Water Quantity of water Water quality Biodiversity Ecosystems …
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Properties of Ceramic Waste Powder-Based Geopolymer Concrete

ST Aly, DM Kanaan, AS El-Dieb, SI Abu-Eishah – International Congress on Polymers …, 2018
… (2009). Buildings and climate change: Summary for decision-makers. Paris:
UNEP DTIE, Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch.Google
Scholar. 2. Provis, JL, & Deventer, SJV (2009). Geopolymers-structure …
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[PDF] Report on resilience framework for EU agriculture

MPM Gielen-Meuwissen, WH Paas, T Slijper… – 2018
Page 1. This Project has received funds from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 727520 Project acronym:
SURE-Farm Project no.: 727520 Start date of project: June 2017 Duration: 4 years …
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[PDF] Research on strategies towards sustainable cities from a life cycle perspective: a review

A Petit-Boixa, P Llorach-Massanaa…
Page 1. Pre-print manuscript version. Visit the accepted publication at: http://www. Research on strategies
towards sustainable cities from a life cycle perspective: a review …
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Weitere Artikel dieser Ausgabe durch Wischen aufrufen

D Drysdale, BV Mathiesen, S Paardekooper
… Energy Efficiency, 6(3), 447–457. CrossRef. Gram-Hanssen, K., (2015) Housing in a
sustainable consumption perspective. In Handbook of Research on Sustianable
Consumption. Cheltenham, Massachusetts, pp. 178–191. Kurnitski, J. (2013) …
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[DOC] Katie Willis is Professor of Human Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London; email: Katie. Willis@ rhul. ac. uk

K Willis
… global development agenda away from the economically-poorest countries of the
world. SDG 12 is ‘Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns’. This
is much more specific that the broad calls for ‘environmental …
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