Publications on sustainable consumption for week 27, 2018

Sustainable consumption and growth: Examining complementary perspectives

MS Salimath, V Chandna – Management Decision, 2018
Purpose By drawing attention to the finite rather than unlimited nature of physical
resources, the purpose of this paper is to: examine the implications of the (near
absolute) emphasis placed on firm growth on sustainable consumption; and discuss …
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Promoting Sustainable Food Consumption: Redesigning a digital platform for trading of locally produced food

C Lundborg – 2018
… Author, Lundborg, Clara. Date, 2018. English abstract. Promoting trading of locally
produced food is one way to challenge the more conventional way of producing food
while contributing to a more sustainable consumption. Through …
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Towards a practice-theoretical classification of sustainable energy consumption initiatives: Insights from social scientific energy research in 30 European countries

CL Jensen, G Goggins, F Fahy, E Grealis, E Vadovics… – Energy Research & Social …, 2018
… explore the options of drawing on a range of social scientific understandings
of energy efficiency and energy consumption, such as SHAPE ENERGY
1 and EUFORIE 2 , as well as global networks such as the Future Earth …
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(un) sustainable consumption and some policies behind: lithuanian case

R Dagiliute – Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2018
In the last two decades, countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have been
undergoing some radical development changes. In the beginning of the 1990s
economy as well as social and environmental issues have been affected by the …
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Adoption of Circular Economy concepts and practices by Portuguese Citizens and Companies

FL Miguel, DJ Pedro – Proceedings of the International Conference on …, 2018
… Keywords: circular economy; sustainability; closed-loop economy; sustainable consumption;
change; engineering students (search for similar items in EconPapers) Date: 2018
References: Add references at CitEc Citations Track citations by RSS feed …
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Determinants of technology-based product adoption by consumers

S Satapathy, S Sangle, S Unnikrishnan – World Review of Science, Technology and …, 2018
… for climate proactivity. The study findings are supported by adequate empirical
evidence. Keywords: technology-based product; sustainable consumption; climate
change; India; consumer purchasing styles. Reference to this …
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What does it really mean to be a strongly sustainable company?–a response to Nikolaou and Tsalis

A Bjørn, I Røpke – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
In a recent issue of this journal Nikolaou and Tsalis (2018) published a paper titled “A
framework to evaluate eco- and social-labels for designing a sustaina.
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Coffee consumption and purchasing behavior review: Insights for further research

A Samoggia, B Riedel – Appetite, 2018
… Most of the reviewed literature on sustainable consumption and purchasing
behavior used a willingness-to-pay approach (11 of the 25 studies on
sustainability), with choice experiments being the most adopted method …
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How to improve consumers’ environmental sustainability judgements of foods

GA Lazzarini, VHM Visschers, M Siegrist – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Skip to main content …
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[PDF] Why Is Ownership an Issue? Exploring Factors That Determine Public Acceptance of Product-Service Systems

CE Cherry, NF Pidgeon – Sustainability, 2018
Page 1. sustainability Article Why Is Ownership an Issue? Exploring Factors That
Determine Public Acceptance of Product-Service Systems Catherine E. Cherry *
ID and Nick F. Pidgeon Tower Building, School of Psychology …
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Motives for buying local, organic food through English box schemes

S Hashem, G Migliore, G Schifani, E Schimmenti… – British Food Journal, 2018
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Business Excellence Models and the Plight of Contract Workers

PK Bandyopadhyay, D Leonard – Responsibility and Governance, 2019
… development and stability in societies. Collective bargaining help achieve a
wage-led recovery strategy that ensures a sustainable consumption pattern and
reverses the growth of inequality. Realising the importance of freedom …
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Prioritising SDG targets: assessing baselines, gaps and interlinkages

C Allen, G Metternicht, T Wiedmann – Sustainability Science, 2018
… In particular, participants in the consultations identified additional interlinkages and data
associated with targets relating to land degradation and desertification, sustainable
consumption and produc- tion, peace and stability, and statistical capabilities …
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Stakeholder support for sustainable entrepreneurship-a framework of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems

K Bischoff, CK Volkmann – International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 2018
… management (Maignan et al., 2005; Walker, 2000). Sustainable consumption and
production of goods are strongly linked and build upon on one another (Tukker et al.,
2010). Green customers make sustainable purchasing decisions …
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Religious NGOs at the UNFCCC: a specific contribution to global climate politics?

K Glaab, D Fuchs, J Friederich – Religious NGOs at the United Nations, 2018
Page 1. Introduction Saving the Earth and its peoples from dangerous climate change
is an economic, social and environmental issue – and a moral and ethical one too that
goes to the core of many if not all of the world’s great faiths …
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Energy Technologies and Human Well-being. Using Sustainable Design for the Energy Transition

R Hillerbrand, K Goldammer – The Future of Engineering, 2018
… for their production or delivery. Consequently, a lot of research addresses the question
of how to foster more sustainable consumption or sustainable behavior more
generally (Reisch and Thøgersen 2015). In such research, it …
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Roadmap to Rebound: How to Address Rebound Effects from Resource Efficiency Policy.

D Font Vivanco, S Sala, W McDowall – Sustainability (2071-1050), 2018
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[HTML] Assessing the Ecological Footprint of Ecotourism Packages: A Methodological Proposition

MS Mancini, M Evans, K Iha, C Danelutti, A Galli – Resources, 2018
… Although roughly fitting into all 17 Goals, the tourism sector features a specific
key role as regards the creation of jobs and the promotion of local culture
and products (Goal 8), the promotion of sustainable consumption and the …
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[PDF] Communicating Sustainable Consumption?: How the Environmental Impact of Animal-Based Food Consumption is Expressed by Swedish Environmental Non …

L Hellberg – 2018
The demand and consumption of food products created by the livestock-and fishing
industries, have a major environmental impact, affecting climate change, biodiversity,
and ecosystems. Yet, there seems to be a lack of public awareness of the direct …
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Sustainable Finance: Paradigm Shift

B Ryszawska – Finance and Sustainability, 2018
… Decent life. Sustainable consumption. Intergenerational and interregional
justice. Social trust, partnership, transparency … These 17 Goals include areas
such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable …
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Grassroots innovation: The state of the art and future perspectives

M Hossain – Technology in Society, 2018
… GI is defined as “a network of activists and organizations generating novel
bottom-up solutions for sustainable development and sustainable
consumption; solutions that respond to the local situation and the interests …
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… Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities, that is, make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resi- lient and sustainable. Goal 12. Responsible consumption and
production, that is ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Goal 13 …
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[PDF] Involvement in sustainable occupations: changes on life habits from spaces of educational practice

FCMS e Dutraa, WM Robertob, BL Coelhoc…
Page 1. ISSN 2526-8910 Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup., São Carlos, v. 26, n. 2, p. 345-355,
2018 O rig inal A rticle Corresponding
author: Fabiana Caetano Martins Silva e Dutra, Departamento …
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What Goes Around Comes Around-A Quantitative Study of Swedish Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Consumption Models

L Öberg, M Bergsell – 2018
Aim and Purpose: The aim with this thesis was to provide answers to the two
research questions:“Which of the four consumption models (“Circular
economy”,“Shared economy”,“Environmentally friendly”, and “Conventional”) do …
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Using big data for insights into sustainable energy consumption in industrial and mining sectors

J Herman, H Herman, MJ Mathews, JC Vosloo – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Human activities related to the production and consumption of energy are negatively
impacting the environment and need to be addressed by focusing on cleaner pr.
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[PDF] Exploring the Missing Dimensions of Transition through ‘Sustainable Wellbe-ing’

T O’Mahony, J Luukkanen – FUTURES OF A COMPLEX WORLD, 2018
… Page 130. 130 both of these interdependent goals in tandem, a critical issue in low carbon
transition (Victor et al., 2014). The approaches in the field of sustainable consumption
and production (SCP) have relied predom- inantly on efficiency and consumer behaviour …
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The role of values in collaborative fashion consumption-A critical investigation through the lenses of the Theory of Planned Behavior

CV Becker-Leifhold – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
… Lehner, & Mont, 2016). Regardless, research does indicate that values, attitudes,
as well as social norms dictate the transition toward sustainable consumption
behaviors (Stern, 2000 ; Thøgersen, 2007). Thus, a major challenge …
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Examination of the Relationship between Dietary Choice and Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Near-Food Products in Israel

G Iris, H Abraham, K Doron – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
… Research on sustainable consumption has generated empirical evidence on barriers
and drivers that hinder and motivate consumers to adapt more sustainable lifestyles.
Factors such as the good example of key influencers …
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[HTML] Everything Flows: A Pragmatist Perspective of Trade-Offs and Value in Ethical Consumption

A Hiller, T Woodall – Journal of Business Ethics, 2018
… roles of values and value in consumption and pragmatist philosophi- cal
thought, and proposes a critique of the ethical consumer as rational maximiser
and the cognitive and utilitarian discourse of individual trade-offs to …
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Frugal or green? Basic drivers of energy saving in European households

J Thøgersen – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
This paper examines how energy-saving in the home relates to two of people’s multiple
self-identities, as an environmentally friendly and a frugal person. It.
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Mobility, food and housing: responsibility, individual consumption and demand-side policies in European deep decarbonisation pathways

KR Moberg, C Aall, F Dorner, E Reimerson, JP Ceron… – Energy Efficiency, 2018
… NDCs. Analytical framework Sustainable consumption Analysing the prospects of
changing household con- sumption patterns to achieve the 1.5 °C goal can benefit
from previous debates on sustainable consumption. Sus- tainable …
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[HTML] Innovations for sustainable lifestyles: an agent-based model approach

P Allen, M Robinson, E Butans, L Varga – Sustainability Science, 2018
… nuclear sources. Without this change, these countries will find it impossible to reach
a sustainable lifestyle. Keywords Sustainable consumption 4 Emissions 4 Household
innovations 4 Comparing countries Introduction With …
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[PDF] Reconfiguring sustainable grocery retailing-a study on consumers’ resonance to sustainable retail approach

SSK Leong – 2018
… the fieldwork. Your commitment to sustainable consumption is admirable.
Lastly, I would like to thank my dear family and friends who supported me
in pursuing the masters’ … 1. Introduction 5 1.1. Background: The growing …
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[PDF] Analysing air pollution and its management through the lens of the UN sustainable development goals: A review and assessment

J Longhurst, J Barnes, T Chatterton, L De Vito… – 2018
… There is no headline goal for of air quality or air pollution • Air pollution identified in three
specific targets for: health (SDG 3); cities (SDG 11); and sustainable consumption and
production (SDG 12). • Air pollution is merely one of the targets associated with each goal …
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Analysis of the Nexus Between Smart Grid, Sustainable Energy Consumption, and the Smart City

LA Amadi, PI Igwe – Smart Grid Analytics for Sustainability and Urbanization, 2018
… Sustainable consumption debate contends that consumption is a key lever
to achieving more sustainable development, on the contrary, that
unsustainable consumption patterns are major causes of global environmental …
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Introduction: From Corporate Social Responsibility to Sustainable Business Models

L Moratis, F Melissen, SO Idowu – Sustainable Business Models, 2018
… of the game”. A first central mechanism is tapping into human behaviour, exploiting
ingrained psychological tendencies in a way that elicits behaviour that automatically
leads to sustainable consumption. A second mechanism …
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A Comprehensive Material Flow Account for Lao PDR to Inform Environmental and Sustainability Policy

X Vilaysouk, H Schandl, S Murakami – Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2018
Page 1. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS A Comprehensive Material Flow Account for
Lao PDR to Inform Environmental and Sustainability Policy Xaysackda Vilaysouk
,1,2 Heinz Schandl ,2,3 and Shinsuke Murakami1 1Department …
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Towards reducing food waste in a hotel breakfast buffet: A case study of Profil Hotels Calmar Stadshotell

J Selin – 2018
… The analysis of the results through the framework of SPT revealed that the
factors that motivate participants to engage in sustainable behaviors resonate
more to sustainable consumption rather than reducing the consumption …
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Consumers’ perceptions, purchase intention, and willingness to pay a premium price for safe vegetables: A case study of Beijing, China

B Zhang, Z Fu, J Huang, J Wang, S Xu, L Zhang – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Safe food is healthy, nutritious and environmentally friendly by green, sustainable and
clean production. The objectives of this study were to examine factors i.
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Encouraging hospitality guest engagement in responsible action: Building comprehensive theoretical models to support effective action

G Moscardo – International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018
… Moscardo (2013) review of sustainability communication to consumers
in general and Moscardo and Hughe’s (2018) review of several areas
focused on responsible and sustainable consumption behavior provide …
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Exploring the interaction effects of norms and attitudes on green travel intention: An empirical study in eastern China

X Ru, S Wang, Q Chen, S Yan – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Previous study has confirmed the critical determinants that influence green travel intention.
However, these studies rarely discuss the interaction effects of n.
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[PDF] Product-country image and crises in the Spanish horticultural sector: Classification and impact on the market

MMS Arcos, JC Pérez-Mesa, R Sánchez-Fernández – Economía Agraria y Recursos …, 2018
… This fact could be re- lated to an inadequate general perception of the
imported product with regard to the local one. Indeed, proximity products
are related to sustainable consumption, as these products simplify …
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Anti-Consumption as Tactical Response to Institutionalized Subordination: The Case of Materially-Deprived Anti-Consumers

H Cherrier, RP Hill – Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2018
Page 1. 1 © 2018, American Marketing Association Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
PrePrint, Unedited All rights reserved. Cannot be reprinted without the express permission
of the American Marketing Association. Anti-Consumption …
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sustainable consumption teaching review: From building competencies to transformative learning

M Sahakian, G Seyfang – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Sustainable consumption (SC) is a growing area of research, practice and policy-
making that has been gaining momentum in teaching programs among higher
education institutions. Understanding how, in what way, and what we consume, in …
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Development of a Household Sustainable Consumption Index and Its Application to EU†28

N Murovec, R Slabeâ – Sustainable Development, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to present the construction of the Household
Sustainable Consumption Index (HSCI). The index is based on existing data from
reputable institutions, which allows us to form a broad perspective on all three …
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The Impact of Utilitarian and Hedonistic Shopping Values on Sustainable Fashion Consumption: The Moderating Role of Religiosity

Z Razzaq, A Razzaq, S Yousaf, Z Hong – Global Business Review, 2018
The present study aims to elaborate whether sustainable fashion consumption is
characterized by emotions or rational thinking and how religiosity influences the…
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Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards sustainable consumption among university students in Selangor, Malaysia

NR Ahamad, M Ariffin – Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2018
A crucial challenge to achieve sustainable development is counteracting the current
unsustainable consumption. Unsustainable consumption has contributed to resource
exhaustion, environmental pollution and climate change problems that we face …
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R Dagiliūtė – Environmental Engineering & Management Journal …, 2018
In the last two decades, countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have been
undergoing some radical development changes. In the beginning of the 1990s
economy as well as social and environmental issues have been affected by the …
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[PDF] Exploring the Motivations and Attitudes of Swedish Students Toward Decreasing Consumption of Fast Fashion: A study of Anti-Consumption Strategies

L Sandberg, A Larsson, E Christiansson – 2018
… behind voluntary simplicity revealed three types of voluntary simplifiers; reduced
consumption, ethical consumption and sustainable consumption. Firstly, reduced
consumption is performed by, as mentioned above, removing clutter, but in …
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Environmental impact of urban consumption patterns: Drivers and focus points

PP Kalbar, M Birkved, M Hauschild, S Kabins… – … Conservation and Recycling, 2018
… consumption-related environmental impacts. Keywords. Personal metabolism;
Sustainable consumption; Resource consumption; Life cycle assessment; Sustainability
assessment; Urban consumption. 1. Introduction. Urbanization is an …
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A consumption-based, regional input-output analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon regional index

B Straatman, B Boyd, D Mangalagiu, P Rathje… – International Journal of …, 2018
Page 1. Int. J. Environmental Technology and Management, Vol. 21, Nos.
1/2, 2018 1 Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. A
consumption-based, regional input-output analysis of greenhouse gas …
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Life cycle inventory data and metrics for high-temperature fuel cells: A streamlined decision-support tool and case study application

A Mehmeti, SJ McPhail, S Ulgiati – Energy, 2018
In recognition of the growing global importance of high-temperature fuel cells (HTFCs)
as future energy systems, their commercial market take-off needs to be su.
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Discussion and conclusions

H Halkier, L James, C Ren – Theories of Practice in Tourism, 2018
… doing and feeling while travelling. In this sustainable consumption practice, as in
so many others, being and feeling good are interlinked (Fuentes, 2015; Soper, 2007),
thus creating a powerful mixture. For our informants, slow …
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[PDF] Submission on the ISA’s Draft Strategic Plan

S Plan – 2018
Page 1. Submission on the ISA’s Draft Strategic Plan 27 April 2018 Protect the marine
environment from harm This is a submission in response to the call for comments on
the draft Strategic Plan of the International Seabed Authority …
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[PDF] International Experience, Principles and Conditions for the Transition to a “Green Economy”

D Kudelas, E Domru, A Stoianov, D Peters – E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
… and local administrative bodies, enterprises, the public; education and
training of personnel to take the “green” jobs; improvement of the accounting
system for natural resources; integration of the goals of the “green” economy …
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S Nguyen, S Llosa – 2018
… Journal of Self-Governance & Management Economics 4(3). Schor JB and Fitzmaurice
CJ (2015) 26. Collaborating and connecting: the emergence of the sharing economy.
Handbook of research on sustainable consumption 410.
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Contributions to the evolving theory and practice of indicators of sustainability

AL Dahl – Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, 2018
… to the research coming directly out of the programme, various dimensions
of val- ues in education have been explored with reference to individual
motivation (Dahl 2012a, 2012d, 2014a; Howell 2013), individual …
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[PDF] Delta Project, Towards a Sustainable Campus.

H Hugo, F Espinoza, I Morales, E Ortiz, S Pérez… – 2018
… sustainable living. Universities have a moral obligation to work towards sustainable
societies, focused on environmental degradation, threats to society, production, and
sustainable consumption for them and for future generations. As …
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[PDF] SUSFOOD strategic scene: Review report 2018

S Rokka – 2018
… agriculture) is closely connected with SDG1 (poverty alleviation), SDG3
(ensure healthy lives), SDG5 (gender equality), SDG6 (water), SDG7 (energy),
SDG8 (economic growth), SDG11 (sustai- nable cities and communities) …
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Intellectual Capital Management and Sustainability Activities in Brazilian Organizations: A Case Study

G Tonial, A Cassol, PM Selig, E Giugliani – … Capital Management as a Driver of …, 2019
… Energy efficiency; Biodiversity impacts; Management of waste and Water Resources;
Sustainable consumption. Human capital—(human rights); Occupational health
management; Community relations (impact of the surrounding community); …
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Low Carbon Readiness Index: A short measure to predict private low carbon behaviour

LV O’Brien, J Meis, RC Anderson, SM Rizio… – Journal of Environmental …, 2018
This paper presents a theoretical argument that low carbon strivings – personal goals
to reduce carbon footprint in the household – can predict a wide range.
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Exploring the Role of Service Eco-system in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Ride Hailing Service in Pakistan

A Javaid, Y Kohda – International Conference on Applied Human Factors …, 2018
… powers the sharing economy. IESE Insight 30, 24–31 (2016)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
8. Mont, O.: Institutionalisation of sustainable consumption patterns based on shared
use. Ecol. Econ. 50(1–2), 135–153 (2004). …
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Unlocking the Potentials of Private Financing for Accelerated Low-Carbon Energy Transition: An Overview

V Anbumozhi, F Kimura, K Kalirajan – Financing for Low-carbon Energy Transition, 2018
… However, over the longer terms, these shifts should be complemented by
sustainable consumption and waste management strategies … Cambridge.
Google Scholar. UNEP, (2016). Sustainable consumption and production …
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