Shared by Maurie Cohen on our mailing list.

A ‘mass transformative practice’ event is to be held at T2017.  This will include all conference participants engaging in professionally facilitated dialogue by the International Futures Forum and others using the Three Horizons futures approach.  The session will focus on understanding how current knowledge production and use systems need to change in order to accelerate learning about how to make transformative change happen.  The outcome will be a ‘map’ of how such a transition to new ways of developing knowledge can occur.  This will result in a research paper that will have been developed collaboratievly, and authored by, all conference participants.

We warmly invite submissions for presentations, practice sessions and workshops from any practical sector, organisation or academic discipline interested in being part of the dialogue that encourage significant changes towards enhancing environmental and social sustainability related to one of the broad themes of the conference.

The main theme of the conference is ‘Sustainability transformations in practice’

The six sub themes are:

  • Conceptualising sustainability transformations
  • Designing transformation and transformative forms of design
  • Conditions and practice for transformation
  • Research for transformation
  • Creativity and innovation for enhancing thinking and practice of transformation
  • Linking practice with policy

For more information about our themes visit the website.

Submissions Deadline : 31 October 2016. Submit your abstract here.
