Launch of Transform Together – The 2030 Initiative for Sustainable Consumption and Production

Leo Williams, SCORAI member and Co-Founder of Transform Together, has shared the following news about a report multistakeholder partnership focusing on sustainable consumption and production in high and middle income countries:

As such, I thought it might be of interest to the list to share the report of a recent launch of a multistakeholder partnership focusing on sustainable consumption and production in high and middle income countries – we launched at the UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi a couple of weeks ago. The report can be downloaded here.

If any SCORAI colleagues are working on consumer goods and food issues and would like to work together as part of a multistakeholder partnership with governments and businesses in order to make the changes we need in production and consumption patterns in high and middle income countries, please get in touch directly with me, cc ing my colleague Helena Van Aelst (Héléna Van Aelst