Call for papers on business ethics and sustainability

Thank you to Jonathan Harris and Julie Nelson for sharing the following call for papers on business ethics and sustainability.

Subject: Announcing a new publishing venue on ethics and economics

The Journal of Business Ethics, a journal in on the Financial Times (FT 45) list for the ranking of research in business schools, has invited Julie Nelson to be the inaugural editor of a new Section on “Business Ethics and Economics.”

This section invites discussions of the relationship between economics and business ethics. Conventional economic theories about firms and the people involved in them encourage a very narrow focus on profit and monetary incentives. Yet the reality of business is far more complex, and the consequences of ethical or unethical economic behaviour are far-reaching. How can the discipline of economics—and the teaching of economics within business schools–more adequately address issues of business ethics? Are there concerns of economists, either conventional or critical, that business ethicists should take more seriously? Authors submitting to this section are welcome to explore these questions from philosophical or historical perspectives, offer conceptual insights, and/or use quantitative or qualitative methods of empirical analysis.

Please consider sending your relevant work to this new section. Submissions that explore the ethical dimensions of environmental and ecological issues, as they overlap with economics and business, would certainly be within the sections’ scope. Please also pass the news to others who might be interested!

For more information and on-line submission see:

For information about the scope of the section, or to volunteer to review submissions, contact: