December 2017
- December 20: Application deadline Professeure ou professeur – Consommation transformationnelle et bien-être des consommateurs
- December 20: Call for Papers ISDRS 2018: “Planning for Transformation?”
- December 15: Fair Trade International Symposium 2018: Call for papers
- December 12: Webinar for New Masters Program in Nature Culture Sustainability/Global Arts and Culture
- December 11: Call for Papers: The role of users in low-carbon transport innovations: Electrified, autonomous and shared mobility
- December 10: PhD student position available within the MISTRA Sustainable Consumption project
- December 8: Call for Papers: Energizing Futures, 13-14 June 2018, Tampere, Finland
- December 1: Call for Papers for a Special Volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production with focus on the Sharing Economy
- December 1: CfP POLLEN18: Towards green modernization? Implementation and institutionalization of the green economy
November 2017
- November 28: Webinar “Can tax reform include a carbon tax?”
- November 24: CfP multidisciplinary research symposium Sharing Cities Shaping Cities
- November 15-18: Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies International Conference
- November 15: PhD deadline on consumption as a political act and civil society in Switzerland, at the University of Geneva
- November 14: Workshop on sharing in Amherst, Mass USA
October 2017
- October 31: Application deadline Assistant Professor in Environmental Policy, Tenure-Track Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University
- October 31: Manuscript submission deadline – Call for Papers of Virtual Special Issue: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- October 24: Workshop Digital for Sustainability – In Need of a Disruptive Research Agenda
- October 16: Asst. Prof. Position @ SFSU in environmental politics & policy
- October 16: AAG 2018 CfP: Dwelling on Energy: Exploring social and cultural influences on domestic energy use in international contexts
- October 15: Two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions at San Jose State University
- October 8: Vacancy: Lecturer in Sociology of Consumption @ Wageningen University
- October 6: Submission proposal deadline IPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference in Edmonton
- October 1-5: 18th Conference on the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Towards a GREEner Challange and Evolution in the Framework of the Circular Economy
- October 1: Application deadline PhD position 4IR Data Intensive CDT at University of Manchester
September 2017
- September 30: CfP ISA World Congress – Prosumers and Social Innovation in Alternative Food Networks
- September 30: Call for abstracts to International Sociological Association Session on Green Consumption
- September 25-26: SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the SDGs
- September 18-19: Fifth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)
- September 15: PhD application deadline University of Lausanne on technical and non-technical aspects of energy efficiency
- September 4: Postdoctoral Opportunity with SHARCEITY
- September 1: Postdoc position (3 years) at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture
August 2017
- August 30-September 1: Transformations2017: Transformations in Practice
- August 30: Application deadline Environmental Social Science Post-Doc Ohio State University and Senior Research Associate Behavior and Sustainability Ohio State University
- August 20: Expression of interest to write report on “Ecologically Sustainable Consumer Behavior“
- August 14: Application deadline Postdoc in Product & service design – focus on Integrated Transport Systems
- August 1: Call for Abstracts: “Problems of methods in the social study of energy and climate change“
July 2017
- July 31: Call for Papers: Special Issue of ERSS on energy transitions and post-truth politics, protectionism, populism, and local resistance
- July 27-30: Transition US, National Gathering: Growing a movement for resilient communities
- July 27: Participation deadline GCRF Global Engagement Events
- July 18: Webinar “Crowdfunding for the New Economy“
- July 15: Application deadline post-doc in macroeconomic systems modeling. Please contact
- July 1: Submission deadline 3 senior and 4 junior research positions in the EVOCLIM project at ICTA
June 2017
- June 29-July 1: SASE Annual Meeting
- June 27-July 1: The 20th AMS World Marketing Congress
- June 27-29: Conference in Brighton (UK) on Sustainable Lifestyles, Livelihoods and the Circular Economy
- June 28: Call for social science and pathway inputs for IPCC SR1.5. Submit your paper by sending an email to
- June 26-27: Sustainability Curriculum Consortium Faculty Conference in Philadelphia
- June 25-28: 9th biennial USSEE Conference, entitled “Ecological Economics: From Theory to Practice.”
- June 25: Application deadline Researcher in the field of Sustainability Transitions at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
- June 22-23: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?
- June 21-23: Swiss Sociological Society 2017 Conference. Philip Balsiger and Marlyne Sahakian will be
hosting a special session on Sustainable Consumption and Social Change - June 20-23: European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2017 Conference Ecological Economics in Action: Building a Reflexive and Inclusive Community
- June 19-23: Advancing Energy Policy Summer School
- June 18-19: The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST 2017)
- June 15-16: 4TH International Workshop on the Sharing Economy
- June 7: Application deadline Research Fellow in the Political Economy of Transport Provision
- June 2: Deadline abstract submission “3rd symposium Konsum Neu Denken (rethinking consumption)”
- June 2: Call for papers: Workshop on opportunities and barriers for the promotion of sustainable development in German law
- June 1: Submission of Abstract/Full Paper Deadline 7th MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing & Tourism Conference “European Marketing from Global Perspective”
- June 1: Application deadline Assistant Professor in Residence in Political Ecology/Environmental Sociology/Design Studies (Term Appointment), The Rhode Island School of Design. Please submit a C.V. and cover letter that speaks to your interest in RISD and outlines your teaching experience to Professor Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino
May 2017
- May 31: Begin Massive Open Online Course: Greening Consumption & Production
- May 31: Open position: Postdoctoral researcher on Macroeconomics, Finance and the Environment
- May 26: Deadline Call for Papers and Media Work KCE 2017 the political and ontological implications of low-carbon transitions
- May 24: Application deadline Tenure tracker in Industrial Ecology, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
- May 23: Application deadline scholarship competition Green Talents 2017
- May 22: Begin 6-weeks online course on responsible consumption and production
- May 21: Application deadline — the Leuphana University of Lueneburg in Northern Germany is starting a research group exploring “Processes of Sustainability Transformation” and offers 12 doctoral scholarships.
- May 18: Application deadline Job vacancy at Nature Energy
- May 15: Enrolment deadline Close the Loop – SDG 12 Online Course
- May 15: Call for Papers: Young Scholar Research Seminar 12.09.2017
- May 12: Application deadline Lectureship in Human Geography (2 posts)
- May 12: Submission deadline newsletter items for SCORAI Europe newsletter. Please send to
- May 10: Deadline expression of interest “Making Everyday Futures workshop”
- May 9: Webinar: Closing the Loop – How Material Exchanges Enable the Circular Economy
- May 7: Application deadline post-doc position at the University of Neuchatel in sociology
- May 6-7: SCORAI workshop on “Bridging Research and Action and Policy”. Contact Philip Vergragt or Deric Gruen
- May 3: Online conference “Frontiers in ecological economics” 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
- May 2: Abstract submission deadline SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the SDGs
- May 1: Abstract submission deadline Call for Papers: Special issue on “Low-carbon energy systems and energy justice”
- May 1: Submission deadline Call for Abstracts: 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development
- May 1: Post-Doc position in the area of corporate strategy, community engagement and social impact
April 2017
- April 28: Deadline to receive remote access for Workshop Convened by Future Earth KAN on Systems of SCP. To get access, send an email to
- April 28: Final deadline extension ERSCP 2017 (18th conference of the European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production Society)
- April 24: Deadline full-time vacancy at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
- April 20: Mini-colloquium: What Makes a Good Society in a Post-Affluence-Society? Amitai Etzioni, University Professor, Professor of International Affairs, and Director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies, George Washington University
- April 17: Call for 5 Post-doc Fellowships for Climate Change Research
- April 15: Application deadline food waste summer study abroad course
- April 14: INSS Interdisciplinary Student Symposium Application
- April 10: Webinar “EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet“
- April 3: UMass Boston From waste to wealth — The Business Opportunities in the Circular Economy
March 2017
- March 31: Mauō webinar series #2: “the Meeting of Wisdoms“
- March 30: Call for Abstracts: Special Issue of Journal of Peer Production – institutionalization of maker spaces
- March 23: Session of the Colloquium Series on Post-work / Post-consumer Futures. Please contact knguyen at tellus org if you want to participate
- March 20: Application deadline PhD Posïtion on Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems at HERUS
- March 20: Application deadline Post-doctoral Senior scientists position on modelling transitions of urban systems at HERUS
- March 15: Application deadline for Food Studies programs abroad. New opportunities for students: Italy, Japan, Vietnam
- March 15: Abstract submission deadline International symposium on “Sustainable Fashion Consumption”
- March 9: Register for SCORAI Colloquium series “Work-time Reduction and the Return of the Post-work Future“
- March 8: PhD position at Institute for Social Change and Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- March 3: Applications for 2017 Innovation and Energy Demand Summer School
- March 3: Call for Applications 4th STEP : Summer School on Theories in Environmental Psychology
February 2017
- February 28: submission deadline one-page abstracts (400-500 words) for 18th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, 1-5 October 2017, Skiathos Island, Greece
- February 22: PhD scholarship – Demand response in the agricultural sector in New Zealand – a socio-technical study
- February 20: Call for abstracts – workshop on sustainable consumption and social change
- February 20: Abstract submission US Society for Ecological Economics conference with topics on GREEN ECONOMY AND SOCIOECONOMIC WELL-BEING and ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ECOLOGY
- February 17: SASE 2017 Call for Papers ‘Re-Embedding the Social: Cooperatives, Political Consumerism and Alternative Lifestyles’
- February 16: First event registration Mini-Colloquium Series on Post-work/Post-consumer Futures that will delve into issues at the interface of digital automation, technological unemployment, work time reduction, consumption, and lifestyle innovation. Please RSVP to Kathryn Nguyen at as space is limited. All sessions will begin at noon and be held at the Tellus Institute, 11 Arlington Street, Boston. The meetings will also be video recorded and posted to the SCORAI website.
- February 15: Extended deadline Call for Papers International Consumption Conference 2017 Pecs, Hungary
- February 10: Funding Opportunity for an SDG Innovation Lab
- February 10: Invitation SCORAI/Tellus Institute Mini-colloquium on Post-work / Post-consumerist
- February 8: Call for Papers: Examining energy consumption and communities (RGS 2017). Please submit a 250-word abstract including the names and affiliations of authors to Frances Fahy ( and Stephen Axon (
- February 6: Postdoctoral Fellow, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
- February 1: Call for papers ESA 2017 conference (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities)
- February 1: Closing date for applications for 18-month post-doc position in Innovations in Urban Mobility in the Transport Studies Unit (TS) at the University of Oxford.
January 2017
- January 31: Call for abstracts for the theme – Reorganising the neoliberal food system: Evolution, Rebellion or Revolution
- January 31: ESEE summer school application deadline
- January 25: Deadline application SCORAI Workshop on Bridging Research, Action and Policy
- January 15: Submit a paper to the GRF-SPaC conference in Brighton June 2017. The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to January 15, 2017. More information.
- January 10: Registration deadline teachers training “Promoting Transformation from Education for Sustainable Development into Sustainable Consumption and Production”taking place 18.-19.01.2017 in Bonn, Germany. More information: [download id=”4547”]
- January 10: Link to register for SCC Webinar: “Better Messages for Sustainable Behavior”
- January 8: Tenure tracker in Industrial Ecology, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands