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March 2018
- March 31: PhD positions in the Climate Change in Developing Countries research group in Essen, Germany
- March 31: Submission deadline special issue “Transition towards low-impact and regenerative human settlements“
- March 31: CfP for Special Issue on Innovative Perspectives on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
- March 31: CfP for Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy
- March 30: Application deadline post docs in projects ENABLE: Connecting Communities to Smart Urban Environments through the Internet of Things
- March 27: Concept submission deadline mobile lives forum
- March 15: Open PhD position on transition to renewable energy systems
- March 5-7: IPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference in Edmonton
- March 5-6: Multidisciplinary research symposium Sharing Cities Shaping Cities
- March 5: CfA Workshop on sustainable entrepreneurship
- March 5: Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (SCC) Webinar Business Education
- March 2: Advances in Socio-Environmental Systems Research An International Symposium – apply to present and attend
- March 1: Application deadline Making sense by democracy, non-violence, and conviviality. A Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice
February 2018
- February 28: Application deadline PhD opportunities in Organizations and Social Change, UMass Boston
- February 28: [CfP] International Research Workshop: Transition Impossible? Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability
- February 28: Application deadline Professor of Environmental Policy at ETH Zürich
- February 27: Community Forum 3—Ecological Macroeconomics and Political Economy of a Transition to Sustainable Lifestyles | Next Steps and Future Plans
- February 15: Application deadline Critical studies on food in italy food systems and sustainability
summer 2018 open enrollment program
- February 15-16: Interdisciplinary workshop on participatory and engaged research in Nottingham
- February 15: PhD Assistantship in Marine Social Science
- February 14: SCC Webinar: Culture, Curriculum and Regenerative Development
- February 13: Community Forum 2—Social Change Beyond Consumerism | Global Value Chains
- February 9-11: Conference “Science and Engineering for Social Good” at Georgia Institute of Technology
- February 9: CFP: RGS-IBG 2018 Energy and Everyday life
- February 8-9: 3rd German Future Earth Summit in Berlin
- February 8: Tools and Initiatives to Advance Sustainable Consumption Webinar
February 8, 2018 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. PST
- February 6: Postdoc position on Urban metabolism at UL-CML
- February 5: Application deadline Boeing Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sociology
- February 5: Webcast What will it take to move beyond GDP?
- February 2: Call for papers PETROCULTURES 2018: TRANSITIONS, The University of Glasgow
- February 1: CfP Buen Vivir & Postdevelopment UF Center for Latin American Studies 67th Annual Conference
- February 1: Yale University: 2 Postdoctoral Research Fellows
January 2018
- January 31: CfP 43rd Annual Macromarketing Conference
- January 28: Application deadline STEPS Centre Summer School for PhD students and postdocs
- January 28: Job Vacancy: POSTDOC POSITION in the field of environmental studies with a focus on ecological economics/social solidarity economy
- January 30: Submission deadline Call for Papers Climate Change and Action Research: Creating Transformative Knowledge With Stakeholders
- January 23: Community Forum 1—Sustainable Consumption and Production in Cities | Communicating for Sustainable Consumption and Production
- January 19: Call for papers: Special Session – Degrowth and Digitalisation 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018
- January 11: Submission deadline 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference – Manchester
- January 11: LAST MINUTE call for Abstracts: Degrowth & the commons (Technology, Biophysics and beyond)
- January 11: LAST MINUTE call for papers – Local energy initiatives: fostering dialogue across conceptual perspectives
- January 8: CfP New Research Network ‘Alternatives to Capitalism’ – SASE 2018