Upcoming job deadlines, applications and events in sustainable consumption research

April 2018

  • April 30: Sustainability Curriculum Consortium (SCC) Webinar
  • April 23: Application deadline summer school “Transition to a Cooperative Commonwealth: Political Economy for People and Planet”
  • April 23: Webinar: SASB and sustainability standards
  • April 17: 1-Day Conference “Sustainability & Me”: Personal and Experience-Based Approaches in Higher Education for Sustainable Development (April 17, 2018, Leuphana University of Lüneburg)
  • April 17: Shareable.net: The Case for Solutions Journalism as a Catalyst for Sustainable Consumption and Production
  • April 13: Application deadline Research Fellow in Energy Justice and Transitions at SPRU Sussex
  • April 13: Call for Papers | Economic Theory for the Anthropocene —Towards Heterodox Understandings of Sustainable Economies
  • April 10-11: Learning for Sustainable Change, in cooperation with Malmö University
  • April 11: Workshop “Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle in der Textilbranche” Universität Ulm und Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • April 6: Just Transitions Research Network Friday April 6th 2pm-5pm Northeastern University
  • April 1: CfA Sociological Perspectives Special Issue: Civic Responses to Environmental Issues: How Culture Matters
  • April 1: Call for Papers | Economic Theory for the Anthropocene —Towards Heterodox Understandings of Sustainable Economies