Is sustainable consumption compatible with increasing the income among the poor and the middle class?

I recently attended a workshop convened by the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, USDN, on the topic of sustainable consumption. One of the issues that repeatedly came up was how to address income inequality while also promoting sustainable consumption. To pursue either of these two big questions is a big undertaking already, but the two together … Read more

15 Marie Curie ITN PhD positions on Circular Economy Research ‘Circ€uit’ (deadline – 15 August 2016)

Arnold Tukker shared the following announcement for 15 open PhD positions with us on our mailing list. You’re invited to have a look at [download id=”3604″]. Dear SCORAI colleague, An international consortium led by Leiden University-CML, collaborating with partners such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and major industries, recently won an EU Marie Curie Innovative Training … Read more