Special issue on Linking Local Consumption and Global Impacts

Reid Lifset from Yale University shared the following special issue with us that links clocal consumption to global impacts: Dear SCORAI-ites In a new special issue, “Linking Local Consumption and Global Impacts,” Yale’s Journal of Industrial Ecology examines the virtual shrinking of distances between places — arising because of trade, telecommunication and travel — and … Read more

15 Marie Curie ITN PhD positions on Circular Economy Research ‘Circ€uit’ (deadline – 15 August 2016)

Arnold Tukker shared the following announcement for 15 open PhD positions with us on our mailing list. You’re invited to have a look at [download id=”3604″]. Dear SCORAI colleague, An international consortium led by Leiden University-CML, collaborating with partners such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and major industries, recently won an EU Marie Curie Innovative Training … Read more