“Sustainable consumption and behaviour change”, University of St Gallen (since 2014)
- Lecturer: Stefanie Lena Hille
- Program: 3rd year Bachelor course, Major in Business Administration; 20-35 students
- Duration: 12 weekly sessions of 4 hours; 4 ECTS
- Focus: Covers environmental problems, global perspectives of population growth and the economic spread of consumer culture; analyzes current (unsustainable) consumption patterns in developed and developing countries; discusses drivers and barriers to more sustainable lifestyles and new models of consumption (including policy discussion and roles/responsibilities); discusses insights from environmental psychology and behavioural economics how to foster sustainable consumer behavior and design environmental awareness/behavior change campaigns.
- Approach: focus is on consumer decision-making models and learning how to develop social awareness campaigns. Invitation of guest speakers. In class debates and working groups.
- Novel approach: groups of students design an awareness/behavior change campaign related to sustainable consumption issues for one specific practice partner (e.g. BEUC – the European Consumer Organisation and its members; City of St. Gallen, etc.).
- Student evaluation: 50% written exam (60 min); 50% group & group presentation on developed social awareness campaign on a dedicated topic.
- Course evaluation: well received by students. Working on an awareness campaign with a real partner was particularly appreciated.