[su_box title=”List of supporters”]Carol Holst, Ashwani Vasishth, Frieder Rubik, John Stutz, Julia Steinberger, tom abeles, Ashwani Vasishth, Benyamin Lichtenstein, Carol Holst, Kira Jen Matus, Richard Wilk, James Speth, Peter Victor, John Cross, Vanessa Timmer, Angelina Korsunova, Kuishuang Feng, Monica Guillen Royo, John de Graaf, Anders Hayden, Michael Maniates, Inge Røpke, Goretty Dias, Wendy Wuyts, Jaclyn Fierro, Jacob Halcomb, Cameron Speth, David Neunuebel, Bruno Aragão, Kathryn Roberts, Robert Chiles, Srinivasan Raghavan, Kimberly Nicholas, Carol Holst, Laurence Godin, John Stutz, Tom R. Bowerman, myTurn.com, PBC, John Cross, James Speth, John Ehrenfeld[/su_box]
SCORAI-Global is a unique network run by volunteers, with nearly 1700 subscribers. Since 2008 we have served as a vibrant community offering high-quality exchanges on issues of sustainable consumption. Our activities include the
listserve and
workshops and
videos and
publications, which are defining the field.
The members of the SCORAI-Global Executive Board, SCORAI-Global Advisory Board, and others readily contribute their time and energy without compensation, but we still need financial resources to coordinate our growing network and support the exchange of ideas. To maintain activities at the current level we ask you to become a contributing SCORAI-Global subscriber. We are seeking for your sustaining contribution of US $50 ($25 for students, retired and others in special circumstances) to reach our annual goal of $3,600. Of course, more generous donations are gratefully welcomed and you can discontinue your recurring contribution at any time.
Become a contributing subscriber by making a donation below today. Your contribution demonstrates your commitment and support for SCORAI-Global as well as for sustainable consumption research, network formation, information dissemination, teaching, education, and communication. It is through these activities that we create new ideas and fruitful alliances.
With collegial and sustainable regards,
The SCORAI Executive Board: Ashley, Ginnie, Halina, Liz, Philip, Valerie
Donations to SCORAI-Global are processed via PayPal and facilitated by the Global Philanthropy Partnership. Alternatively, we also accept checks in USD with SCORAI in the memo line, payable to Global Philanthropy Partnership (303 E Wacker Dr, Suite 2108, Chicago IL 60601)