By Doris Fuchs, University of Muenster (WWU)

Questions to guide discussions

  1. Which concept of justice is informing the corridor notion and do you agree with it?
  2. Can you think of existing examples of some kind of minimum and maximum consumption standards, e.g. areas where we have already societally agreed upon and politically enforced limits?
  3. How can we prevent societies/governments from overstepping necessary borders in limiting individual consumption decisions even in the interest of defending the ability of all to live a good life?


Doris Fuchs is speaker of the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN) and Professor of International Relations and Sustainable Development at the University of Muenster in Germany. She works on issues of sustainable consumption, the political power of actors and structures (e.g. financialization), and agrifood, energy, and climate policy at local, regional and global levels of governance

Recommended reading

Fuchs, Doris, Antonietta Di Giulio, Katharina Glaab, Sylvia Lorek, Michael Maniates, Tom Princen und Inge Ropke. 2015. “Power: The Missing Element in Sustainable Consumption and Absolute Reductions Research and Action”. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Di Giulio, Antonietta, und Doris Fuchs. 2014. “Sustainable Consumption Corridors: Concept, Objections, and Responses”. GAIA 23/S1: 184-192.

Blättel-Mink, B., B. Brohmann, R. Defila, A. Di Giulio, D. Fischer, D.  Fuchs, S. Gölz, K. Götz, A. Homburg, R. Kaufmann-Hayoz, E. Matthies, G. Michelsen, M. Schäfer, K. Tews, S. Wassermann und S. Zundel. 2013. Konsum-Botschaften. Was Forschende für die gesellschaftliche Gestaltung nachhaltigen Konsums empfehlen. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag.

Defila, Rico, Antonietta Di Giulio und Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz (Hrsg.) The Nature of Sustainable Consumption and how to Achieve it. München: oekom.

Fuchs, Doris, und Sylvia Lorek. 2005. “Sustainable Consumption Governance. A History of Promises and Failures”. Journal of Consumer Policy 28 (3): 261–288. Reprinted in Dauvergne, Peter (Hrsg.). 2013. Environmental Politics. Houndmills: Edward Elgar, 652-679